For the longest time, I did not know how to clean a fish. I would go fishing with my family, we would catch and release (Which is totally OK), but I never how to clean the fish in order to keep them. Here is a simple guide I have learned to do so:
1. Kill the fish- There are a couple ways to do this. The way I feel is most just is to simply hit the fish's head with a rock or branch; it will concuss it and will not feel a thing. Or you can cut its head off, but I like to keep it on as it will help when you are cooking to see when the eye balls get white. Lastly, you can just put your knife throught he skull into the brain, which will kill it immetiatly
2. Let's get cutting!- Start at the rectum (the hole right about the tail on the belly of the fish), and cut up to the head/gills.
3. Take out anything that is there that isn't the fish itselt. There is going to be all the oragans and anything the fish was eating in there.
4. Brushing- There is going to be a black/brown line at the bottom of the cavity you just made. Take your finger or a toothbrush and get rid of all that completely. It is poop and and blood. There could be bacteria in it.
5.Clean up- The only thing left is just to cut fins if you don't want them and to just rinse everything really good.
I hope everything works out and if you have any questions, you can go on youtube and type in mobgripone and get my channel. Just comment on one of my videos or send me a personal message.
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